DC Dhubri Recruitment 2023:
Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri invites application for the post of Lot Mandal (Grade III) Vacancy under the amalgamated establishment of the Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri.
Dhubri Recruitment 2023:
Name of Board : Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri
Apply process- Ofline
Last Date: 25/04/2023
DC Dhubri Recruitment 2023:
Name of post: Lot Mandal
Total posts: 17
Category -wise vacancy:
Canddates : 10
>For ST (P) Canddates:
>For ST (H) Canddates:
Pay Scale : Pay Band of Rs.14,000- to Rs.60,500/- per
month and Grade Pay Rs.6200/- per month with other allowances as admissible
under the rules.
Age Limit as on 1st January, 2023 : Candidates must not
be less than 18 years of age and not
more than 40 years of age .
Upper Age Relaxation:
> 3 years in case of candidates of OBC/ MOBC,
>5 years in case of candidates of SC & ST and
>10 years for PWD candidates.
Educational Qualification:
(a) The candidate must have passed HSLC examination or
equivalent examination.
(b) The candidate must possess a valid 6 (six) months
RCCC training passed certificate from Assam Surveys & Settlement Training
Centre, Dakhingaon, Guwahati.
(c) The candidates must possess a minimum 6 (six) months
diploma/ certificate in computer proficiency from a recognized institute.
(d) The candidate must have the knowledge of English and
Assamese typing.
to Apply ?
The application
should be submitted in the Standard Form as published in the Assam Gazette in
part IX in a sealed envelope addressed to the Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri
district. The application should be sent by post or to be delivered by hand in
the drop box kept for the purpose in the office the Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri
district, Ward No1, Dhubri. Post applied for should be super-scribed on the
sealed envelope.
The intending candidates may also submit their
applications through the e-mail id dcdhubri.recruitment@gmail.com in pdf
more correct information read the official advertisement carefully before
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